Kepemimpinan Pastoral Pemuda dalam Meneguhkan Pertumbuhan Gereja

  • Yahya Harmo Malailak Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta
  • Ebrianus Liwuto Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta


The spiritual formation of a pastor or pastoral leadership is a gift and a calling
from God to a leader. A leader/pastor can strengthen/guide young people in
their spiritual growth to full maturity. Spiritual guidance for young people is
not as easy as most people think, it is not just a weekly routine of attending
worship and the responsibility as a leader in a church institution is considered
complete. In the current context, people who live in cities with a thousand and
one complex problems faced every day have their own challenges. The
challenge for today's youth is technological change and advancement.
Therefore, every young woman should get proper and correct guidance and
mentoring in order to face this complex life. This complex life needs to be
taken seriously by all parties, especially the church, so that young people are
not trapped in a life that ultimately leads them away from God.


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