Implementasi Teologia Anak Untuk Mewujudkan Gereja Ramah Anak

  • Tri Supartini Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi Jaffray Makassar


This article discusses the implementation of children's theology in an effort to realize a child-friendly church. In writing this article, the author conducted a literature study related to children's educational theology. Children's education cannot be separated from God's plan that has created humans including children. Theologically, God himself cares for, cares for, protects and defends children. Then the church as a representation of God's presence in the world should provide an example of implementing God's will for children, so the church should be a child-friendly church. A church that is child-friendly is a church that provides fulfillment of children's needs. The implementation of children's theology is through becoming a child-friendly church, which is carried out to fulfill the spiritual, physical, psychological, and social aspects.
