Eksistensi Perempuan Sebagai Integrasi Kesetaraan Hak Yang Holistik: Studi Kasus Terhadap Janda di Jemaat Bethel Polongaan
The research begins with the issue of gender marginalization that is still happening to this day. therefore, the author intends to elaborate on the integration of holistic equality in the feminist movement through the existence of women. As women’s struggle to achieve equal rights, opportunities, and the same position is now significant. Therefore, to achieve holistic equality, the essence of women must not disappear but exist in taking over what has been voiced. This research is reviewed based on the case of Widows in the Bethel Polongaan Congregation, Widows who show the existence of women, are able to become heads of families, housewives, educate children and meet living needs by farming. In the results and discussion, the author begins by discussing the basic concept of feminism as an opener in straightening out the wrong paradigm understood in the feminist movement, continued by discussing the existence of women, the existence of Widows of the Bethel Polongaan Congregation and ended with a discussion of holistic equality. This research is described based on a qualitative method with a case study approach, the results of the research are developed through a literature review to answer the problem formulation. This research aims to educate that the feminist movement must be followed by existence as an entity that has a unique role and influence in stimulating social change. This research shows that the existence of women is a real manifestation of the feminist movement for comprehensive transformation in society towards deeper and sustainable gender equality
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