Konsep Kedatangan Kristus Yang Kedua Menurut Hilarion Alfeyev: Raja Dan Hakim Yang Adil
This article examines the event of Christ's second coming into the world. At His coming every soul will appear before Him to receive justice for the life lived in this world. Every human being will be held accountable for their lives. This article uses the literature research method based on the book "Metropolitan Orthodox Christianity Volume II: Doctrine and Teaching of the Orthodox Church" by Hilarion Alfeyev and supported by several journals and books related to this research as well as texts in the Holy Koran. Hilarion emphasizes that Christ will return to the world after His first coming, where He will be the King of kings, the just judge of all mankind and the giver of eternal life to each of His people. Every believer who has a disciplined, obedient and God-fearing spirituality will achieve his or her goal of living in divine light or theosis. This is the desire of every believer, to be united with Christ at His second coming.
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