Cara Mendesain Materi Pemahaman Alkitab Sebagai Bentuk Pembinaan Jemaat Lanjut Uisa Untuk Gereja Masa Kini

  • Efi Nurwindayani STT Gamaliel
Keywords: designing, materials, teaching congregation members, elderly



The church has the responsibility to carry out teaching for congregation members including elderly congregations. The elderly congregation has a spiritual need, namely faith growth based on the teachings of the Bible, the Word of God. Understanding the Bible is one form of spiritual formation that can be carried out by the church. The problem is that there is no Bible study material available to them. Therefore this study aims to explain how to design materials for understanding the Bible as a Form of Guiding the Elderly Congregation. This research method uses qualitative research methods. The result of this research is a way of designing Bible understanding material, namely by inductive exegesis of the Bible through the steps of observation, interpretation and application. One of the design materials for understanding the Bible that has been made is taken from the Gospel of Luke 2: 21-40. The conclusion of this study is that the way to design material for understanding the Bible as a Form of Guiding the Elderly Congregation is by exegesis of the Bible using the inductive method.


Key Words: designing, materials, teaching congregation members, elderly


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How to Cite
Nurwindayani, E. (2025). Cara Mendesain Materi Pemahaman Alkitab Sebagai Bentuk Pembinaan Jemaat Lanjut Uisa Untuk Gereja Masa Kini, 6(1), 88-99.