Strategi Pewartaan Injil seturut Perkembangan Zaman kepada Kaum Muda

  • Eka Romario Erian B. Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana
  • Antonius Denny Firmanto Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana
Keywords: Church, Technology, Mission, Media, Faith


The church exists in the world and participates in the development of the world. The rapid development of the world is also a challenge in itself for the development of the Church's mission to proclaim the gospel. One form of evangelism is implemented in five church tasks, one of which is the task of Kerygma or the dimension of preaching. This paper discusses the strategy of evangelism according to the times to young people. The rapidly changing times due to technology have had many impacts, both positive and negative impacts. The development of this era also has a very strong impact because it can affect everything in life, including religious matters. To carry out its mission for salvation, especially for all young people, the Church needs a purposeful approach and the mission of proclamation can be carried out well. To find this approach, the focus of research in this paper is more directed at young people from generation Z by using quantitative research methods in the form of collecting questionnaire data which is processed to show creative ideas put forward by young people to help the Church in the future so that they can use the media of communication as a means of proclaiming the gospel and can ultimately be accepted not only by young people but also by the general public


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How to Cite
Erian B., E., & Firmanto, A. (2025). Strategi Pewartaan Injil seturut Perkembangan Zaman kepada Kaum Muda, 6(1), 42-58.