Relevansi Pelayanan Visitasi Pastoral Berdasarkan Yohanes 10:11-15 di Lingkungan GMIT Kanaan Naimata

  • Marselina Bua Mahasiswa Program Pasca sarjana, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang
  • Ezra Tari Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang
Keywords: Counseling, Pastoral, Ministry


The congregation has not fully felt the pastor's presence in stewardship. Pastors in carrying out pastoral services have not been felt optimally. This is presumably because the pastor will not know about the congregation's problems. Pastors are only busy with organizational activities rather than addressing congregational problems. This paper arises from the author's anxiety due to the lack of direct pastoral visits or social media. There are church members who struggle after being laid off, the struggle of a widow, infidelity and the church's activeness in worship. The purpose of this paper is to motivate the pastor as the pastor to optimize service to the congregation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. A pastor gives himself to listen and observe the situation of his congregation actively. This service is carried out through pastoral visitations. Pastors must respect the privacy of the congregation. It is related to the problem described. The pastor came to know his congregation, not just a meeting in the church building. But he is here to provide solutions to church problems.


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