Kepemimpinan Multi Staf Dalam Gereja Lokal

  • Yohanes Ndapamuri Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Levinus Rumaseb Sentani
  • Enggar Objantoro Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran


One of factors which influences in the church’s ministry is leadership.  Efective leadership is very  important to support the church’s ministry.  However, some church does not grow because of the mistake in the leadership.  They do not call the members of the church to lead the ministry.  The reseach mothodology in this article use the literature research.  The multi staff leadership calls some people to support the ministry in the church, so that the ministry is able to reach the church’s members and the other people.  The multi staf leadership is very relevan in the church’s ministry for growing the local church.


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