Menuju Prinsip Teologi Keseimbangan Di Era Digital: Refleksi Gereja dalam Transisi Pandemi Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged churches to migrate to virtual spaces. This certainly affects the spirituality of the church in a double space. Through this article will be examined 1) How can the church connect spirituality with technology without getting lost in the maelstrom of the void of modern technology itself, 2) How can the church navigate this new landscape without losing focus on its God-given mission? This research is a descriptive research, using a qualitative approach. The aim of this paper is to frame a new paradigm for the church towards the principle of equilibrium between material life and spirituality. The results of this study indicate that the theological system in Christianity is a transformational conceptual framework that is always fresh, flexible and balanced from various dimensions of life and context. The changing situation requires transformative perspectives and practices for the church not to lose its spirituality and God's mission in the context of society, nation and state.
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