Terang di Tengah Kegelapan: Sebuah Analisis Sastra Rut 1

  • Samgar Setia Budhi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan
Keywords: light, darkness, love, faithful, literary analysis, Ruth


Light in the Darkness: A Literary Analysis of Ruth 1. Ruth 1 is an important episode in the building-up of Ruth's story. This chapter introduces the setting of the story and the problem, increases the tension of the story, and moves the story towards resolution. Therefore it is very important to study this chapter in its entirety by considering the unity of the literary units that construct the narrative. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a narrative literary analysis approach or often called narrative criticism. The research found that Ruth's loyal commitment to the nation of Israel, the God of Israel, and Naomi illuminates the story in chapter 1 which is filled with darkness.


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