Hipokrit Pemuka Agama (Matius 23:1-12)

  • Erman Sepniagus Saragih IAKN Tarutung
Keywords: Seat of Moses, Jesus, Scribes and Pharisees


The Acts of Religious Ruler (Matthew 23: 1-12). Matthew 23 is known as a controversial text, where this chapter is the antithesis of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7). Jesus recognized the authority of the scribes and Pharisees, but they strongly opposed His existence as the Messiah. The existence of Jesus both in terms of the popularity of the ministry at that time and in the future made the religious leaders in Judea even more anxious. The methodology used is hermeneutic principle by using critical history, text structure and social analysis of Matthew's community. Thus Matthew 23 describes the service behaviour of the religious leaders in Judea as a basis for understanding the meaning of Jesus' criticism of those who sat in the chair of Moses. Without negating the authority of these religious leaders, Jesus in Matthew's gospel emphasizes the teachings of transformative stewardship to the multitude and his disciples (Matthew's community) to further apply fraternal solidarity and social empathy as virtues.


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