Kepemimpinan Pelayan Gereja yang Sesuai dengan Kepemimpinan Gembala Seperti Kepemimpinan Yesus
Prioritizing service for the many in the fulfillment and growth of the many will shape good self-image and get the opportunity to be appreciated as a servant who leads and serves many people around him is a self-image as a type of shepherd with Christ's leadership as a servant or servant who gives the main focus on a service activity and not based on the authority of power alone. The research method is qualitative which describes a structured and planned leadership process that has a visionary serving many people, a servant figure who leads a servant or a slave who serves his master even though he himself is a leader. The results of the study show that in the church, the leader is the same as a servant whose main focus is voluntarily carrying out his vocation to serve many people so that the work of Jesus Christ in the world in proclaiming salvation is spread to the world through the death of Christ, thus giving the conclusion that the call as leadership must be with a voluntary heart. to serve everyone because it is the main core of service in the church so that it can be said as a leader must serve, meaning that he is ready to give himself as a leader in his service to God and not to humans.
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